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The Basics of Organizing an Office Event

Every company loves creating events for their employees to make them engaged and motivated. They come up with different affairs where employees gather and get to interact with each other outside the office. But what if your boss decides that you head the event but you do not have any experience in organizing? Yes it is indeed a challenge as to how you can perfectly execute the event without any inconvenience. If you are eyeing for a promotion, organizing an event can help you increase your visibility in the office. This article will help you plan for an event that will earn you a high five from your boss.

  • The first thing you should do is create a timeline for the event. Having a timeline is very important because it will serve as your reference for all the things that you need to accomplish before the actual date of event. This will also serve as your ultimate checklist of all the major tasks that you need to accomplish. It will help you check on things that are not yet done and things that are pending.

  • Identify the venue of the event. Your basis for selecting a venue depends must be based on the number of people who are attending the event. Add something unusual in the venue that they would never forget. Most employees nowadays already know what to expect when attending office events. Aside from the food, they would already have a preconceived idea of how the venue would look like. It would be best if you come up with an unusual set up like placing a unique centrepiece. You can always contact a stall that has furniture for rent. But if you would need more than one, it is recommended that you might want to visit rental furniture Singapore because they might have interesting items that you can use as your centrepiece. But if you would want a more sophisticated item that specializes in celebrations and that is the event furniture rental Singapore.

  • Learn to delegate responsibilities. You cannot do it alone! You need the help of others and this can only materialize if you assign tasks to certain people who you know will be able to deliver. You have to make sure to follow up every now and then if they have already finished doing the tasks assigned to them.

  • On the day of the event, make sure to look your best. Yes you have organized the event and you might have been stressed during the preparations but you have to remember that you are the person in charge of the event so people would look for you every now and then.

  • Ask for feedback after the event. This is very important because this is one way of measuring the success of the event. You can ask the people who attended the event but you have to be ready with any feedback that they will give you either good or bad. Whatever the outcome of the event will be, you have to be accountable for anything that would happen during and after the event.

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